Etrade best stock brokerage Automatic recurring investing weekly ETF auto invest, fractional

Etrade stock brokerage now allows automatic dollar cost average investing for ETFs. Learn how to auto invest ETFs with Etrade Auto Invest and do dollar cost averaging.

It is free and over 100 ETFs are supported at time of this writing. Try this on Fidelity, Schwab and Vanguard and all you can do is mutual funds. Etrade allows for mutual funds and ETF auto investing. This a great way to do dollar cost averaging and long term investing plans. Etrade supports fractional shares with Etrade automatic investing.

Out of the big, old time brokerages Etrade is the only one that offers this feature.

There are newer ones and startups like Robinhood, Sofi Invest and M1 Finance that all offer this feature.

By Kevin

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